Shape young women today by educating and equipping them to become the conservative leaders of tomorrow.
The future of our nation is at a crucial crossroads: if the left continues, without opposition, to sell socialism and liberal culture to upcoming generations, then freedom as we know it will disappear.
Your gift provides an intellectual home and a voice for young conservative women who are increasingly under fire.
Without you, the next generation does not stand a chance.
Women are the future of freedom. Together we can empower the next generation of women through 6 core programs:
· Campus Chapters
· Professional Network
· National Conference
· She’s Conservative Campaign
· Leadership Retreat
· The Gentlemen Showcase
Your gift will educate, equip, and empower conservative women to be principled leaders—and provide a counterpunch to the left’s progressive narratives. With your assistance, NeW teaches women how to be confident advocates for conservative ideas.
Yes! I want to embolden the next generation of young conservative women leaders.
For questions, please call 571-318-9160. Tax identification number: 20-5178959